Herdade da Aroeira, Almada

Herdade da Aroeira, Almada

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Salvador Neto - Arquitectura e Engenharia

A arquitetura é a vontade de uma época traduzida em espaço

/Salvador Neto

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds…

Avenida da Ilha da Madeira, Lote 115E

Aroeira, Charneca de Caparica

Vale Bem, Lote 187

Aroeira, Charneca da Caparica

Pinhal da Verdizela, lote 107

Amora, Seixal

Avenida Dr Arlindo Vicente

Arrentela, Seixal

Rua Julio Diniz

Trafaria, Almada